

Members of the Australian College of Care Workers receive a wide range of benefits, tailored to meet individual and specific work needs. We acknowledge the critical role that ACCW members play in The Care Sector, working with vulnerable Australians. Your membership will provide you recognition and raise the profile of Care Workers across the country in urban and regional areas of Australia.

Membership Benefits:

  1. Registration for care workers will hold the `license to care practice`
  2. Recognition.  Registration and industry recognition as a qualified  Care Worker who has met the criteria of membership and annual ID badge.
  3. Employment opportunities. Join the Job Seeker Platform.
  4. Advocacy. ACCW provides Worker Advocacy, including at the Commissions in Aged Care, Disability and Mental Health.
  5. Insurance Discounts; Professional Indemnity Insurance with AON Insurers
  6. Other Work related discounts; Books, Uniforms and Footwear.
  7. Continuing Professional development; access to workshops, conferences and work related events.
  8. Career Pathways; opportunities to develop skill sets and /or units of competencies that can lead to further qualifications.
  9. Publications; access to current industry news and information that affects you.
  10. Member forum: Industry meet and greet.
  11. Networking; opportunities to interact with other Care Workers
  12. Awards; awards for Care Worker Excellence.
  13. Access to complaints and feedback processes

Membership with Australian College of Care Workers can strengthen and expand your employment position and opportunities and introduce you to an increasing number of industry workforce.

Maximise your association with Australian College of Care Workers through involvement in our events, social media and publications. Including attending meetings, Inaugural Celebrations and Workshops/Webinars, etc.

Contact our Member Support Team on 0404000993 or email info@careworkers.org.au